Frutas Villacruz - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Frutas Villacruz
Ctra., 1
06716 Villar de Rena (Badajoz) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑924835011   +34‑924835061  
🖷:  +34‑924835202
Production and commercialisation of fruit.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Frutas Villacruz

The company is cream does already more than 35 years fruit of the passion of his founder by the primary and agricultural sector of his region. They are located in the Region of Extremadura, area especially productive and characterised by cool temperatures in winter and warm in summer what gives place to fruit of extraordinary quality. His main activity is to produce and commercialise the fruit that traditionally cultivate in the region: peaches, nectarines, and plums.

Likewise, in 1986, they incorporate to his activity the manufacturing and commercialisation of dry figs and his derivatives. The big majority of his production is allocated to the international market where wish to position like reference for the sale of dry figs of Spain.

Alfonso Cruz, S.A. forms part of the Organisation of Producers of Fruit and Vegetables (OPFH) Farm Fruit, S.L. And they are partners of the company Vitaolé. These two societies are cream with the aim to give answer to the challenges that the big commercial chains pose nowadays.

His head office hortofrutícola is endowed of the necessary technology for the selection and manufacturing of the fruit that produce.

In the first place, recepcionan the fruit that is classified and categorizada in base to the trazabilidad that comes determined of the field.

Later, this fruit is selected and made under the most strict norms of quality and alimentary hygiene. For this have of calibradoras automatic and diverse machines of enmallado that allow them obtain a smart final product for his sale.

The installation explains also with 5 cameras of cooling and storage of product that makes possible the conservation of the fruit always in the best conditions.

All his installations are conform to the certificates BRC and IFS.