Grupo Industrial Pancho Mex, S.L. - Precooked of chicken

Swearwords of chicken: authentic flavour Tex Mex

Picture of Swearwords of chicken
To obtain a better presentation spread the swearwords of chicken with an egg beaten and enter them in the oven according to instructions. Once hot, add sauce of tomato, grated cheese cheese cheese and slices of onion and go back to enter for gratinar. It can add by on the spicy sauce included in the case. Only with heating them, already will have the smart dish

Nutritional Value (100 g)

Power: 200,68 kcal

Proteinas: 5,93 g.

Carbohydrates: 36,95 g.

Fat: 3,24 g.

Time of manufacturing:

2´-3´ to 600 W in Microwaves

10-12´ to 180 °C in Oven