Unilever Foods España, S.A. - Vegetable soup


Purée of herbs and spices: fact with products without preservatives

Picture of Purée of herbs and spices
The purée of herbs and spices Knorr has all the flavour of the cool grasses and the advantages of the dry. Purée of three peppers, purée of thyme and purée of red pepper and pimentón: 3 varieties done from an accurate selection of ingredients of quality, to offer a versatile product in his applications and with the cool and natural flavour of the cool grasses in format purée.

This purée is elaborated with products without preservatives, without colorantes neither intensificadores of flavour, ideal for recipes without gluten and vegetarians. It is of easy dosage and use, and his caducity is of until 12 months without opening. It treats of product done under a process in cold, combining three technicians of natural conservation: the vinegar, the salt and the sugar, to preserve the flavour and the freshness of the raw materials, and gives like resulted natural products that do not need preservatives neither additives