Comercial Señorío de Sarría, S.A. - Beans

Señorío de Sarria

Pochas Of Navarra baked: in pot of 580 ml

Picture of Pochas Of Navarra baked

Beans pocha, water, salt, saborizante And-621 and antioxidant And-385.

Specifications product:

-7,7 cm of High/ diameter 17 cm.

-I weigh format: 950 g

-net Weight: 540 g

-Weight wringing: 400 g

-Capacity: 580 ml

Specifications box:

-Long 32/ Width 24 / Height 18 cm.

-Gross weight: 12 kg.

-Units by box: 12

Specifications palé

-Long 1,2 m / Wide 0,8 m

-boxes layer: 10

-Layers palé: 7

-boxes palé: 70