Calvo Distribución Alimentaria, S.L.U. - Fish pate


Pâté of clear tuna: prepared from the solomillo of the tuna

Picture of Pâté of clear tuna
Natural food, substantial and of quality, the pâté of clear tuna Calvo. An ideal food for the meriendas, to prepare appetizing canapés or as I complement of an informal dinner.

The tuna is a natural source of Omega 3, some acids grasos essential that our organism can not manufacture by himself same, and that, however, are indispensable to guarantee his correct operation, helping to warn multiple illnesses.

In Calvo select the best part of the clear tuna, the solomillo, to manufacture his pâté. They elaborate three types of pâté:

- Pâté of clear tuna

- Pâté of clear tuna with tomato

- Pâté of clear tuna with olives