Compañía Oleícola S. XXI, S.L. (La Chinata) - Extra virgin olive oil

La Chinata

Oils of virgin olive extra: of the Saw of Cat

Picture of Oils of virgin olive extra
Oil of virgin olive extra is the juice of olives collected in the Region of the Saw of Cat, in the northwest of the province of Cáceres. The olives that collect are in his degree of optimum maduration, clean, healthy and without apparent external defect.

The oil of virgin olive extra that produce characterises fundamentally by four factors:

- An intense yellow colour with some trace of green colour.

- A sweet flavour and plane.

- An aroma to mature fruit very dense.

- A very high content of acids grasos.

They commercialise the product in different containers and have of big formats of garrafas, tins and bottles of glass directed to the sector hospitality industry.