C.R.D.O. Sierra de Segura - Olive oil (soft)

Oils of olive with Denomination of Origin Saws of Safe: of acidity very low, does not exceed 0,5º

Picture of Oils of olive with Denomination of Origin Saws of Safe
The oils of olive with Denomination of Origin Saws of Safe proceed of the olivares of the Saw of Safe, of variety Picual; whose characteristic bases with the half natural in which they produce , olivar of high mountain entremezclado with pinewoods. His colour is yellow greenish and prevail aromas frutados miscellaneous (apple and tomato, preferably) and the cool grass that combine with the bitter and the spicy of the characteristic cool fruit of the variety picual.

Denomination of Origin Saws of Safe

The Oils of Olive described by the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Saws of Safe are of extreme quality, extra virgin, with acidity very low, does not exceed 0,5º, very underneath of the acidity allowed for the oils of extra virgin olive (0,8º).

It is a juice of fruit entirely natural, without additives neither preservatives. His high content in VITAMIN E and polifenoles, natural antioxidants, are the managers of the attributes of amargor and itching; in addition to providing him a big stability that translates in a big resistance to the enranciamiento.

This big resistance to the oxidation confers them to the Oils of the Saw of Safe, the peculiarity to keep unalterable during long periods the exceptional chemical characteristics and sensory.

We find us with a rich product in acid oleico and substances with antioxidant properties that exert on our organism actions so beneficial for the health eat: it contributes to diminish the level of cholesterol, help to warn cardiovascular illnesses, diminishes the gastric acidity, help to cicatrizar ulcers, regulates the intestinal traffic, reduces the constipation, protects internal organs like pancreas, liver, vesicle and tonifica the leather.

For a correct conservation of the oil advises keep it in cool place, dry, to temperature acclimatise (15-20 °C) and protected of the air in enclosed containers and of a direct exhibition to the solar light.