Compañía Oleícola S. XXI, S.L. (La Chinata) - Extra virgin olive oil

La Chinata Primum

Oils of olive: of the Saw of Cat

Picture of Oils of olive
The olive oil Primum proceeds of olives of the first days of milking (manual selection) of the campaign. His molturación produces in the almazara, before they pass the first 24 hours from his recolección, by means of the traditional method of molturación in cold with natural decantation.

His intense green colour (characteristic of the first days of harvest), the intense aromas afrutados of apple and banana, a dense body, absence of amargor and a light spicy, differentiate to Primum of the rest of the existent oils.

Primum Is an oil in branch, that is to say, without filtering. It bottles as it obtains of the almazara, by what during the process of decantation could produce a light tank at the bottom of the bottle (sign of purity).

It calls the attention his profile of acids grasos by his high relation of insaturados with regard to saturated and also between the acids oleico and linoleico, with more than 75% of acid oleico, figure that reach very few varieties.

It presents in containers of 500 ml of dark glass.