Campo de Montiel, S.C.L., Cooperativa Ole. 2º - D.O.P. Aceite Campo de Montiel - Extra virgin olive oil

Oil of extra virgin olive Field of Montiel: with Denomination of Origin

Picture of Oil of extra virgin olive Field of Montiel
The Denomination of Origin Oil Field of Montiel distinguishes exclusively those oils of virgin olive extra, obtained of pertinent olives of olivares pertaining to the municipal terms delimited in the province of Ciudad Real, being, therefore, the zone of manufacturing and coincident packaging with the one of production described.

This oil is elaborated from olives of the varieties Cornicabra, Picual, Camomile and Arbequina.

All practise them agricultural, from the works during the crop to the recolección and transport, going through the credited, treatments and poda, as well as the molienda, extraction equipment equipment and storage of the oils, are regulated and supeditadas to the fulfillment of codes of agricultural and alimentary best practices, in the phases of the production, manufacturing, storage, packaging, etc.

The Association guarantees by means of systems of control and external certification to the Denomination of Origin, the trazabilidad, the health and the alimentary hygiene of the oils of virgin olive extra protected by the marchamo Oil Field of Montiel.