Conservas Areoso, S.L. - Canned octopus

Conservas Areoso RR -175

Octopus: of the Galician estuaries, style Illa of Arousa

Picture of Octopus
Octopus of the best quality captured in the Galician estuaries.

After his cocción empaca and covers with a sauce of manufacturing artesanal typical in the Illa of Arousa.

It closes and esteriliza.

Already it is prepared for his storage and back sale.

Quality of the product:

Preserves Areoso, inside his worry by the quality and guarantee of the product, has had to realise and work in the ISO 22.000.

Definition of the useful life:

The planned useful life depends of the clear of coverage that goes with the product : if it is oil well of olive or of sunflower: it will have a length of 6 years. The rest of the manufacturings will have an useful life of four years.

Happened these years there is not guarantee of inocuidad of the product.