Conservas Areoso, S.L. - Canned mussels

Conservas Areoso RR -125

Mussels in sauce of vieira: of the Galician estuaries, of size homogéneo selected manually

Picture of Mussels in sauce of vieira
Process of manufacturing:

The mussels will be washed with water of clean sea and desprovista of dirt, process controlled through the control organoléptico that realises in the entrance of the mussel to factory. It subjects to cocción; the vianda to continuation fries in olive oil and enter in the container. It adds him the tomato, realised everything with natural products, and to continuation empaca and adds him the liquid of coverage being in this case oil. After closing, esterilizan and to continuation commands to the warehouse for his back sale.

Ingredients: Mussel, tomato, olive oil, onion, salt and species.

Characteristics of the container RR -125 (6-8 pieces):

Format: RR-125 aluminium FA

Capacity and weights: Capacity: 125 g; net Weight: 110 g; Weight wringing: 70 Characteristic

g of the container RR -125 (8-12 pieces)

Format: RO -125 aluminium F.To.

Capacities and weights: Capacity: 125 g; net Weight: 115 g; Weight wringing: 68 g

Quality of the product

Conserve Areoso, inside his worry by the quality and guarantee of the product, has had to realise and work in the ISO 22.000.

Definition of the useful life

The planned useful life depends of the clear of coverage that goes with the product : if it is oil well of olive or of sunflower: it will have a length of 6 years. The rest of the manufacturings will have an useful life of four years.

Happened these years there is not guarantee of inocuidad of the product.