Cetárea Tazones, S.L. -

Sin concha

Meat of vieira frozen products: origin: Scotland

Picture of Meat of vieira frozen products
This species is protected by two shells “valvas” sides that can close by means of muscles aductores. They are spineless aquatic that do not possess tentacles neither eyes. They are endowed of a foot developed to dig in the sand, slime and even in the rocks. The molluscs extend so much by fluvial zones as maritime. They can live so much buried in the sand and near of the coast like the clam, the vieira, the berberecho the razors, as hit to the rocks as it is the case of the mussels that cultivate also in criaderos bateas.

Fishing and capture: extractiva artesanal, between April and May

Freezing: nitrogen in factory

Size: 9/12 pz/kg

Glaseo: 35% (±5%)

Presentation: IQF , clean, 10x2 kg

Pallet: 8x6= 48 C/