Ángel Camacho Alimentación, S.L. - Apricot jams

Jams of high quality: the range includes known and exotic flavours

Picture of Jams of high quality
Low marks it Frigate offers a wide range of jams of high quality, that thanks to a recipe of more than 170 years, the process of production artesanal and the utilisation of the best raw materials, resaltan the flavour, smell, colour and original texture of the diverse fruit employed.

The range includes flavours very known such like bitter orange, strawberry, raspberry, zarzamora and peach, as well as types more exotic like the confitura tropical and the one of pineapple. To end to satisfy the needs and specific wishes of each one of his consumers, Frigate offers also a line of dietary jams, products endulzados exclusively with fructosa (sugar of fruit) and that do not contain saccharose (common sugar) added.

As I complement of the range of jams, Frigate offers a delicious honey of flowers, a product of craftsmanship of the nature that thanks to his high content of simple sugars (glucose and fructosa) and his floral aroma, combines digestive and energetic properties with gastronomic qualities.