Agrupación de Consejos Legumbres de Calidad: Lenteja de La Armuña, Garbanzo de Fuentesaúco y Judías de El Barco de Ávila - Chickpeas

Garbanzo Of Fuentesaúco, Geographic Indication Protected: of final leather, characterise by a big cremosidad

Picture of Garbanzo Of Fuentesaúco, Geographic Indication Protected
The Garbanzo of Fuentesaúco is one and the legumbre of more prestige and recognition to national level. To a large extent, this is due to his indisputable intrinsic quality and to the fact that there by the year 1569, Rey Felipe II protected to the municipality of Fuentesaúco so that they did not go in there other garbanzos distinct to the products in the place that went usual dish in the Cutting of the Kings.

It is a garbanzo middle-sized big, colour cream and leather semirrugosa. Once baked, presents a good integrity of the grain, his leather is so fine that does not perceive in the palate, his cremosidad is inigualable and persistent.

All this is because of the half in which they cultivate . It treats of floors francoarenosos, of neutral pH, with low levels of calcium and very little salinos.

All this joined to a variety of autochthonous seed and the big experience in the technicians of crop of the agriculturalists, inherited generation after generation, give like result this gastronomic wonder.

After the cocción, the garbanzos keep whole, the leather self-evident soft and soft, the albumen very mantecoso and uniform, being very pleasant the flavour that provides to the palate.

In all the containers appears in logo and the quotation “Specific Denomination Garbanzo of Fuentesaúco”, in addition to the contraetiqueta numbered of the Regulatory Council that it is the one who delivers this to each envasador, when the lentils have surpassed the controls demanded.