Halcon Foods, S.A. (cofrusa) - Other cooked vegetables

Barquetas: dishes that aúnan tradition and modernity

Picture of Barquetas
In Halcon Foods bet by formats vanguardistas. Good sample of this are the barquetas, selected in the WellFood Forum of Anuga. Basically dishes that aúnan tradition and modernity.

The barquetas have conceived like answer to the current demands of the consumers, that demand visibility of the product, easy use, storage and ligereza.

In concrete, present more than eight varieties that complete the following range: artichokes dressed, hearts of artichoke to the natural, artichokes in salad, peppers roasted integers, peppers roasted in throw, salad of peppers and onion, artichokes in salad, menestra of vegetables and escalivada (salad of vegetables roasted).