Grupo Ybarra Alimentación, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Grupo Ybarra Alimentación, S.L.
Ctra. Isla Menor, km 1,8
41703 Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) Spain
☎:  +34‑955675060   +34‑902014555  
🖷:  +34‑955672866
Manufacturing and commercialisation of alimentary products

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Grupo Ybarra Alimentación, S.L.

In the year 1842, D. José María of Ybarra and Gutiérrez of Caviedes, first Earl of Ybarra, with the aim to commercialise the agricultural products of the familiar properties in Andalucia, founded Hijps of Ybarra.

Ybarra Is cream with vocation of modernity, the set up of a refinery and the line of packaging of oil in tin, allow to reach parameters of quality and unknown uniformity in a traditional sector that still worked of form artesanal.
In 1997 it conforms a new business concept, Group Ybarra, of the that are cream new products and new companies.