Mariscos Gilmar, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Mariscos Gilmar, S.L.
Antonio Gil Mouriño - Pol. Ind. Tremoedo, Parcela 1-3
36628 Vilanova de Arousa (Pontevedra) Spain
☎:  +34‑986561075  
🖷:  +34‑986561498
Packaging of octopus

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Mariscos Gilmar, S.L.

Seafoods Gilamar s.l., company with two decades of existence, finds situated in Ria of Arosa recognised Internationally like one of the places where extracts the best octopus of the world characterised by his exceptional flavour and size, extracted directly of the Rias Galician rich in plankton and privileged by his oceanographic conditions and of ideal temperature for the development of the cephalopod and the seafood in general.
Seafoods Gilmar keeps a special care in all the process of manipulation and packaging, with the object to keep his natural properties, of flavour and freshness giving like result a product of the highest quality, commercialised and distributed in the main shopping centres and restaurants of all the world.