Industrias Mari Paz, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Industrias Mari Paz, S.A.
Ctra. Beniajan, km 3
30011 Murcia Spain
☎:  +34‑968873782  
🖷:  +34‑968873783
Producers and distributors of culinary species

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Industrias Mari Paz, S.A.

Its distribution in the area of raw materials and finished products warehouse, zone of mills of paprika, mills of spices, mixing machine for the manufacture of preparations for sausages and additives for food, packaging machinery and termination & offices area allow the agility of the entire production process.n today, as well as the passage of the bulk to different formats and packaged in our days.
Its distribution in the area of raw materials and finished products warehouse, zone of mills of paprika, mills of spices, mixing machine for the manufacture of preparations for sausages and additives for food, packaging machinery and termination & offices area allow the agility of the entire production process.
Its distribution in the area of raw materials and finished products warehouse, zone of mills of paprika, mills of spices, mixing machine for the manufacture of preparations for sausages and additives for food, packaging machinery and termination & offices area allow the agility of the entire production process.NARIA's packaging and termination and offices allow the agility of the entire production process. In these new facilities equipment all current regulations on handling of food products, as well as the most modern systems of packaging and preservation have been taken into account.