
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ausa incrementa su presencia en los Emiratos Árabes

AUSA increases its presence in the United Arab Emirates


The presence of Ausa in the countries of the peninsula Arábiga is increasingly notorious. The  planned sales for this 2006 could reach record figures.

Every day is more common to find vehicles Ausa in the Arabic region. An area with a high growth forecasts and where the presence of the Spanish firm do nothing but grow. In fact it seems that this year 2006 sales in this region marked a historical record.

While the presence of Ausa in the area is not recent, agreements with Kanoo, its official distributor in the Arab Emirates, allow a rapid penetration into the region. Kanoo is a well-known in many countries of the Gulf and with enormous potential in several Emirates in the area.

In addition, having a competitive distribution network, "we guarantee maximum efficiency and full supply to all our customers," says Josep Soler, Export Manager of Ausa. "We have great opportunities for business," ruling Soler. It is not surprising given the growth they generate each year the countries of the region. The wealth generated in the region due mainly to its natural resources, is reactivating other sectors that Ausa has much to say. Including construction, a sector that crosses a feverish activity in the region only comparable to the living in certain cities in China.

The massive creation of new construction in the area is facilitating the penetration of Ausa. Dúmpers and especially trucks are demonstrating their efficiency in an ever-increasing number of works. If just five years ago, the presence of Ausa in the area was practically residual, currently it is becoming a brand of reference and with strong bases to boost its consolidation.

Dubai, Abu Dhabi and other Emirates in the region, together with many other countries in the area of middle opt clearly for the Spanish brand. Hand in hand with these countries, Ausa provides strong increases in sales over the next few years. According to Soler in the construction sector definitely catapultará to the brand in the area. Now this same 2006, sales will reach some unusual business figures in that area.

An example of the spectacular nature that exists in that area, the construction of which will be the tallest building in the world. It's a construction of 900 meters high with including ski track. It is all this that the patient presence of Ausa in that region for years is paying off having been able to gain the confidence of the professionals of the area.


Related Companies or Entities

AUSA Center, S.L.U.

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