
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Visita real en Ausa para el 50 aniversario de la compañía

Visit Ausa real for the 50th anniversary of the company


The firm launches five new products every year

His Majesty the King Don Juan Carlos I visited last September 6 the signature Ausa in Manresa on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the company. On his arrival in the Catalan company, President and founder of the company, Maurici Perramón welcomed his Majesty accompanied by the Minister of industry, tourism and trade, José Montilla; the delegate of Government of Catalonia, Joan Rangel; the Counsellor of research, industry i Turisme de la Generalitat, Jordi Valls; as well as the Mayor of Manresa, Josep Camprubí.

Welcome that the Council of administration of Ausa gave the monarch, highlighted two commemorative elements: the plate of the famous visit to the company that discovered his Majesty, and sculpture that framed the Act, "Diàleg i Encaix" which represents the hands, symbol of the work and the effort of all members of the company.

The visit to the facilities began presenting the emblematic microcar PTV (initials of the founders of the company: Maurici Perramón, Antoni and Guillem Tachó and Josep Vila), of which were sold 1,100 units successfully from 1956 until 1961, until the SEAT 600 made that AUSA changed the direction of its activity, and submit the first work and Spanish manufacturing dumper. Then visited one of the pillars of the company: the Department's r & d. Ausa outstanding for its innovation as a way to achieve sustainable and competitive advantages and thus maintain its leadership position in the market. To do so and as a reflection of this effort, the firm has allocated in the past five years a percentage of investment on sales ranging from 4.1 per cent to 5.3 per cent compared to 3% of average of other companies in the sector. He has been launch annually 5 new products each year, managing to be always at the forefront of the market. This effort has been rewarded in the light of the evolution of the sales of the company reached in 2006 of EUR 98.4 million and expected to increase to 110 million at end of this year.

Joan Aixendri, Director General of Ausa, guided visit by the factory of his Majesty and the rest of the convoy, made up of outstanding personalities of the political, social and economic life of the country. The King visited the two lines of Assembly of the company: the line "Senior", which are assembled 35 models of up to 2,000 kg, and the "master" line, which is intended to the larger, up to 9 tons models. Don Juan Carlos, interested in the explanations about the production plant, welcomed close to each of the workers of the company finished the tour of the facilities in the area of testing and quality control. The ceremony, which lasted a couple of hours, ended with the signature by his Majesty of the book of honor of the company and the picture with more than 400 employees that make up the template of the company. Once the meeting the President of the Board of Directors of Ausa, Maurici Perramón, expressed its satisfaction "for having achieved make a company Ausa exemplary thanks to the effort and work of all those who have worked there." "The search for niche markets, an important innovation in the products offered, along with shared and consensual leadership, are the key ingredients to achieve a good result as that AUSA has shown today."


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