
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Rodamientos Feyc es el nuevo distribuidor de correas ContiTech

Threads Feyc is the new distributor of belts ContiTech


21 February 2014

Threads Feyc has reached an agreement for the distribution of belts ContiTech in Spain and Portugal. The Division ContiTech belongs to the group of Continental Automotive sector AG, known international provider of the industry of the car.

Contitech Power Transmision Group is a world-wide technological pioneer in innovations in rubber and plastic, develops and manufactures belts of transmission for machinery and installations in the industrial segment and contributes, also, specific solutions for first industrial equipment.

ContiTech Contributes an important range of product in belts trapeciales and toothed of high performance. His fortress comes creame by his pillars: technology of material and design, logistical and services, environingingment and quality.

Threads Feyc will distribute the belts ContiTech
Threads Feyc will distribute the belts ContiTech.

Related Companies or Entities

Rodamientos Feyc, S.A.

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