
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Rodamientos Feyc S.A., nuevo distribuidor de componentes neumáticos Metal Work

Threads Feyc S.A., new distributor of pneumatics components Metal Work


18 February 2014

Threads Feyc has reached an agreement for the distribution of pneumatics components Metal Work in Spain and Portugal. Metal Work is an Italian company specialist in the production of pneumatics components for Systems of Automation. From his foundation in 1967 has extended his structure and range of production until turning into pioneering of the market in racores for systems of automation. His range of products comprises 5 main lines: actuators, valves, equipment of filtraje, racores and components of manipulation; so extensive that completes a catalogue of 800 pages.

Metal Work has his plant of main production in Brescia (Italy) and a network of distribution and technical assistance in more than 50 countries. It manufactures and it distributes products of first quality fulfilling the most strict norms of quality, and also environingingmental, and of hygiene and health.

Threads Feyc takes advantage of his synergy inside the Gruppo Bianchi to extend his range of products until the Pneumatics and the Automation, once again, with a product of quality like Metal Work. Threads Feyc provides more value added through his technicians of sales and specialists of product, supported by the investments in stocks and appropriate logistical services to guarantee a good service.

Installations of Metal Work
Installations of Metal Work.

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Rodamientos Feyc, S.A.

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