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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los vehículos industriales comienzan el año con un fuerte crecimiento

The industrial vehicles begin the year with a strong growth


11 February 2014

The market of industrial vehicles in the month of January has reached an increase of 43% and 1.594 units enrolled, a volume that although it is positive, still finds far of the volumes of the period pre-crisis.

The entrance in force of the Normative Euro 6 has caused that some of the operations advance . The volume of registrations in industrial vehicles still is very underneath of the expected, taking into account that, in January of the year 2008 surpassed the 3.800 units enrolled. This indicates us, that still remains a lot of route to reach the normal volumes for this segment, that has an antiquity very above the European average. The lower activity of important sectors like the transport and the construction have ralentizado of brusque form the volumes of the market of this type of vehicles.

In the month of January the light industrial vehicles, have experienced a descent of 33,3% and so only 34 registrations. Following the tendency of the previous segment, the industrial means descend 6,9% and 134 units. In the case of the heavy grow 55% and 1.426 units. The heavy rigid also descend in the month of January 6,4% and 117 registrations. The tractocamiones surpass his volumes in the beginning of the year with a growth of 64,7% and 1.309 registrations.

On the other hand, the segment of buses and coaches in the month of January have registered a fall of 40% and 99 units enrolled. In the case of the microbuses, have experienced a descent of 18,9% and 43 units enrolled.

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