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Xavi Foj, pilot more laureado in the category T2

Foj Motorsport Coopertires Heats motors for the Dakar 2014

Mª Carmen Fernández24/12/2013

The team formed by Xavier Foj and Ignacio Santamaría goes back to the 36ª edition of the Dakar on board of the Toyota Land Cruiser 150, to try revalidate the title of Champion in category of trucks of series (T2) by third consecutive time. This year it explains besides with the support of the mark of tyres Cooper Throw, that will be the main sponsor of Xavi Foj during the two next seasons.

The past 11 December, took place in Villatobos (Toledo) the presentation of the team Foj Motorsport Coopertires, in which they participated Xavi Foj and Cooper Throw. The mark of tyres announced does weeks the incorporation of the Spanish pilot like ambassador of the mark for his range of tyres 4x4 during the next two years. Like part of the agreement, Cooper Throw will sponsor to the Catalan pilot during his participation in the Dakar 2014.

Xavi Foj will fulfil his twentieth fourth participation in the Dakar this year turning into the most veteran pilot of this competition. Besides, it treats of the pilot more laureado in the category of trucks T2. Xavi will look for in this Dakar his third consecutive victory of the hand of his team of always, with the assistance of 4WD Jaton Racing and mounting the pneumatics Discoverer S/T MAXX of Cooper Throw, which has defended for his activities off-road.

Xavi Foj, during the presentation of the team Foj Motorsport Coopertires

Xavi Foj, during the presentation of the team Foj Motorsport Coopertires.

The team Foj Motorsport Coopertires carries working from Saint Week to prepare the competition. “Compared with 2012 do not carry big novelties. We have been in Morocco preparing the competition with Cooper Throw in some conditions resembled those that go us to find in Sudamérica. The tyre is fundamental in the competition, therefore we have done a lot of proofs trying not leaving at all at random”, explained Xavi Foj.

The pilot explained that the dunes do with a low pressesure in the rubbers whereas in track carry a high pressesure. “We will run assuming the decisions that take to the inflar or desinflar the tyres. We have done several test with Cooper Throw subjecting to the tyres to extreme situations and always have held to perfection. This gives us hygiene of face to the competition”, affirmed.

Instrument Foj Motorsport Coopertires during the proofs in Morocco

Instrument Foj Motorsport Coopertires during the proofs in Morocco.

This new edition of the Dakar will give beginning the next 5 January in Rosario (Argentina) and will finish the 18 of the same month in Valparaiso (Chile). “It will not be easy, since our rivals of Toyota Japan have reinforced a lot and arrive with new trucks that have a centre of gravity lower and new suspensions. They have more half that we, but trust our possibilities and in the work that come developing during big part of the year”, sentenced the pilot.

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Cooper Tire & Rubber Company España, S.L.

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