Metso España, S.A. - Demolition crushers or pincers

System of change of eccentricity: for mills of cone

Picture of System of change of eccentricity
Metso Minerals Launches a system of change of eccentricity, from the outside, for the mills of cone GP 300. It does not need disassemble the mill to change the eccentricity. The balanced of the plants of trituración is simpler. It allows the possibility to adjust the production of the plant to the needs of the market. Has greater ease to work with the mill to full camera. It diminishes the need of the employment of hoppers and silos to ensure the full camera of the mill.

The system deletes the need to change the linings of the mill to attend small works that require enclosures very adjusted. It expands the rank of admissible enclosures of the mill of cone. The form of the final product can be optimised.

The original idea split of a Finnish customer of Metso Minerals, Reijo Savolainen, executive boss of the company Rudus Murskaus. After more than 10.000 hours of proofs and development, Metso offers this option in the mills GP 300 and GP 300S. Now, the company Rudus Murskaus has two units of Metso Lokotrack and a plant of trituración mounted on wheels Nordberg NW300GP instrumented with adjust of eccentricity from the outside.

The trituradores are working in systems of trituración of 2, 3 and 4 stages in all Finland. The plant that uses Lokotracks compose it a LT 125, a LT 300GPS and a LT300GPS. The plant is used to to work of two ways, with the LT125 + LT300GPS producing 0-32 mm or with the LT 300GPB producing 0-5 mm and 5-16 mm.