Metso España, S.A. -

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras Trellex

Stravel transportadoras special: reinforced with fibre of aramida

Picture of Stravel transportadoras special
The carriers Trellex are reinforced with fibre of aramida.

This material is so light like other synthetic fibres such as the polyester or the polyamide, but so resistant like the steel. Has a big elongación, no shapeless and is very resistant to the heat and to the chemical products.

Design optimised for greater length.

It manufactures in two types of materials. The soul of the cloth consists in a plot of cords of aramida in longitudinal steering. The mesh contains transversal cords of additional polyamide, that protect the cords of aramida in both sides. When having an alone layer of cloth of three cords, the frame is light and flexible at the same time that provides an optimum resistance.