ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Stackers

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Serie SBS1520N

Stackers Electrical of driver mounted of foot: with capacities between 1.500 kg and 2.000 kg

Picture of Stackers Electrical of driver mounted of foot
The stackers electrical of driver mounted seated of Mitsubishi are powerful, fast and of a big precision that adjust to perfection applications of apilado to heights very high and in narrow corridors, since it needs much less space that a retractable.

The series of stackers electrical SBS1520N is composed by models with different capacities of load of 1.500 kg and 2.000 kg reaching a height of 6.500 mm. They gather all the conditions for the comfortable and effective transfer of commodities in long distances. The model SBS15NEITHER with initial elevation designed with a greater space from the floor is the suitable for his use in ramps. The SBS20N of 2.000 kg has of the revolutionary Visionmast, that provides a clear vision until the tip of the conical forks and of the area of work. The stackers electrical of driver mounted seated of Mitsubishi are of a high residual capacity. The engine of traction of CA and the fast access to the components, do that the intervals of service are longer and reduce the costs of maintenance. Besides, the resistant structure of the chassis and of the topmast protects to the operario and to the team against accidental damages.

Ulma Proposes the stackers electrical of driver mounted seated for the zones of apilado, storage, collected and manufacturing of requests of level of half height of shelving to heights of 6.500b mm and route of long distances.