ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Stackers

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Axía ES

Stackers Electrical of accompanying driver: with capacities of 1.000 kg to 1.600 kg

Picture of Stackers Electrical of accompanying driver
The series of stackers electrical Axía IS is composed by compact and ergonomic models apt for his use for applications of apilado in narrow corridor or manipulation of commodities in the interior of a truck.

With capacities of load comprised between 1.000 and 1.600 kg and a height of elevation of until 5.400 m, the stackers electrical mark the difference thanks to his versatility, durability and efficiency, turning into the perfect election for his application in any surroundings of work.

The series Axía characterises by the manoeuvrability and the high degree of hygiene that offer his models, thanks to his ergonomic rudder, to his small radius of twist and to his chassis of compact dimensions. The range includes different models designed for special applications like the models with initial elevation, excellent for the manipulation of the commodities in irregular floors and in ramp, the models with wide leg adapted for the manipulation of palés of 1.200 mm of width or the models with platform designed for works that require travel of long route.

The series Axía IS is recognised by his design of resistance to the water that confers a big durability to all the equipment that complete the range when offering an unprecedented protection of all his electrical components against the humidity and the particles of dust. They are models that offer guarantees of hygiene in the work by means of characteristics like his low centre of gravity that translates in a big stability and a design that allows a wide visibility so much of the load as of the space of work. His advanced electronic system allows the selection of different intensities of work, adapting the acceleration or the speed of traslación to the different applications offering a competitive value based in key factors like the ergonomics, the versatility and the saving of power.