ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Stackers

Hubtex Serie EGPL1435

Stackers Electrical four-ways of big capacity: with capacities between 1.400 kg and 3.500 kg

Picture of Stackers Electrical four-ways of big capacity
The series EGPL of stackers four-ways of Hubtex is of solid and strong construction with a topmast of elevation of big resistance and rigidity. His electronic control with saving of power guarantees a soft operation, avoiding any brusque movement and ensuring a precise manipulation so much for the trip of the carretilla as when manipulating the commodities. The system of elevation electrohidráulico offers a system of elevation and soft descent by means of an oscillating switch in the rudder.

Ulma Offers the stackers electrical four-ways of alternating current Hubtex like the best solution of apilado and storage of long or bulky commodities of until 3.500 kg and with a height of elevation of until 6.500 mm.