Metso España, S.A. - Crushing and milling equipment

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras

Rotary presses ovens: of direct and indirect flame

Picture of Rotary presses ovens
Rotary presses ovens with direct and indirect flame for a big variety of applications. THE company has installed more than 1.000 rotary presses ovens in dimensions that arrive to diameters of until 7,6 m and lengths of 190 m.

The rotary presses ovens are used for the warming of solids until the point in that it produce the chemical reaction wished. The rotary presses oven consists basically in a rotatory cylinder bent. The time of retention of solids in the oven is an important factor of the process and is determined by the suitable selection of diameter, length, speed, inclination and project of his interior. They exist two types of rotary presses ovens: the ones of direct flame and the ones of indirect flame.