Metso España, S.A. - Screeners

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras

Mezcladores: for the escurrimiento of particles of solids

Picture of Mezcladores
The wringingres of atrición are simple equipment, however are efficient units for the escurrimiento of particles with densities between 70% and 80% of solids.

Two opposite propellers (type propulsoras) of each axis force some particles against the others, resulting a frotamiento intense, pulimiento and disintegration. The efficiency usually improves with the increase of the density of the slime, once that the particles have a greater contact between the grains. The double propellants, mounted in an axis in the interior of the tank are creame by a structure reinforced. The axles are fixed in the gear or the horn of support of the accionamiento. The cashiers of feeding and of exit are integral or in flange with the tank in the cells. An opening of each segment of the cells allows the flow of slime in the machine. The equipment are supplied usually with two, four or six cells, with capacity between 4 and 9.900 litres.


Remoción of the surface of ironinging of the particles of sand

Delaminación of the clay (empastamiento)

Washed of sand and sand of glass

Washed of salt - release of the clay of the salt (potassium)

Washed of plastic - aparas plastic of tereftalato of polyethylene (PET) for recycling

Manufacturing of filling (includes mix of cements with adapatación of mines, ashes and/or cal for filling of subterranean mines)

Cleaning of floors to remove contaminantes of the surface

Caldeamiento of the cal

Relodamiento of coke filtered