Tdmed Power Systems, S.L. - Gas engines

PSI (Gas)

Industrial motors to gas: for sectors where the worry by the environingingment is a paramount factor

Picture of Industrial motors to gas
Power Solutions Inc. is one of the greater suppliers in North America of industrial motors fed with natural gas, natural gas compressesed and GLP.

PSI Caters to the main manufacturers of original team inside the agricultural sectors, industrial and of the construction. Thanks to this continuous and narrow work with the OEM, PSI can develop solutions to measure that allow to the manufacturers develop his equipment in accordance with the needs of the customer.

The motors of gas PSI, mounted from industrial motors of General petrol Motors, are compact, robust and of a silent operation. They are instrumented with controls and systems of electronic feeding that optimise the consumption of fuel and the broadcasts. They cover a rank of power of 26 to 240 HP.

The typical applications for this type of motors are all those in which the worry by the environingingment was a paramount factor: machinery that operates in enclosed spaces, municipal maintenance services, airports, complex hoteleros, hospitals, etc.

Power generators, carts elevadoras, compressesors, baldeadoras, lavacontenedores, tractors of luggages, platforms elevadoras and other a lot of, are practical examples of machines where the engine of gas is widely used.