Metso España, S.A. - Metal and scrap baling presses

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EcoShred

Fragmentadores: to process volumes from among 20 and 40 t/h

Picture of Fragmentadores
These systems design usually to process volumes from among 20 and 40 tonnes by hour of light scrap, as for example, tins, appliances and bodyworks of trucks.

It is designed to process tins, loose scrap (sheets of ironinging and appliances) and scrap selected of aluminium. The TS 60/80 is able to process bodyworks of complete trucks. The elements of transport, classification and cleaning of air of the installation of exit have the robust design and the reliability of systems TS bigger, adapted to scale inferior to offer operative minors costs by tonne.

The main characteristic include options of mechanical or hydraulics feeding, by means of only roller or double roller of feeding. The fragmentadores have yunque conventional and door of expulsion of pieces. The frontal wall is suspended, but fixed by means of bolts.

The inferior grills of download are designed for maximizar the performance and the recovery of materials no ferric. All the systems of fragmentation can include optionally carriers of feeding and lines of personalised exit. The line of products is available with rotor of disks or with rotor type spider.