Bondioli y Pavesi Ibérica, S.A. - Engine cooling

Exchangers of heat combined: for mobile machines

Picture of Exchangers of heat combined
The configuration of these exchangers of heat offers an integrated cheese cheese solution for the cooling of the fluids in a complex machine, of the liquid of the thermal sensors engine to the hydraulics oil and to the air of turbocompressesor. Also it is possible to include in the same element the hydraulics fan, the glass of expansion, the rejillas and other specific accessories. These projects are cream of an esmerado dimensioning effected by a team of experts in accordance with the data supplied by the customer for the applications and exigencias specific.

The applications comprise all the machines mobile operators devoted to the movement of earth, to the construction and to the works of road. Another sector of important application is the one of the machines for the trituración of wastes or economic machines in general.