Representaciones Martín Mena, S.L. - Playground safety flooring

Ecological paving in situ: of third generation

Picture of Ecological paving in situ
His manufacture realises with throw of rubber selected to offer an appeal, versatile and low maintenance for a wide variety of applications.

Installation without Civil Work.

An alternative for zones of game and gardens that does not retain the humidity

The use of this type of mantillo of rubber provides some impressesive profits: it does not attract to the domestic animals and wild fauna.

It disperses easily on the terrain. It does not need compactación.

Free of maintenance. Important economic saving.

Essays realised of the material according to rule applied JOINS IN1177 on coatings of the areas of impact.

Big resistance to the water and to the wind.

Easy of rastrillar to equalise the surface to cover.

It contributes to brake the apparition of bad grasses, molds and funguses.

The process of manufacture of our product is of vital importance. To continuation quote some of the reasons by which you has to use this ecological product:

- Soft rubber maciza despiezada.

- Aesthetic very natural.

- Free material of metals and fibres.

- Maximum hygiene with material minor.

- Better coverage of the surface to treat.

- Process of coloreado with pigments

- Organic (without tail neither paintings).

- 100% no toxic.

- Excellent protective against the frosts.

- It does not retain the humidity.