Diez Alonso y Cía, S.L. (Marini) - Asphalt manufacturing plants

Marini Top Tower

Discontinuous asphaltic plants: with a significant reduction of the broadcasts of CO2

Picture of Discontinuous asphaltic plants
The saving of energy and the reduction of the broadcasts of gases of effect invernadero are in the centre/center of the conception of the Top Tower. All the technologies of recycled and of production of special and temperate agglomerates are equally available.?ño Innovative of the plant allows to diminish the consumption of electricity and fuel, this means a significant reduction of the broadcasts of CO2. The broadcasts of dust to the atmosphere respect the environmental norms more recent. %Wing tower of mix is biased for a total or partial isolation, to reduce still more the broadcasts of dust and noise.%Wing busy surface is more reduced.%Wing position of the filter on of the drum dryer, joined to the design of the bar of dried, optimises/optimizes the circuits of gases and of fine recovered. %aGracias To a connection dryer - filter shorter, the gases to the exit of the tube dryer suffer a lower thermal loss: the consumption of the burner reduces noticeably. %aLos Fine treaties collect in the hopper under the filter by gravity, and are very near of the hopper of heavy of the fine, this allows to reduce the number of sinfines and the electrical consumption total. These fine of recovery are in a hot atmosphere, and reintroducirán in the final mix to the greater possible temperature. The selection and the hopper under the selection are calorifugadas and covers, to limit the losses of energy.