Metso España, S.A. - Machinery for recycling construction and demolition waste (RCD)

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras Ecocut

Cutting cutting cutting shears: for different types of scrap

Picture of Cutting cutting cutting shears
The cutting cutting shears is a versatile solution for different types of scrap.

Technical characteristics:

Strength of cutting: 1. 000 (1.100) t (short tonne)

Wide of blade: 800 (31) mm (inches)

Strength of the pisón: 200 (220) t (short tonne)

Strength of the lateral presses: 250 (275) t (short tonne)

Strength of covers it (centre): 200 (220) t (short tonne)

Strength of the empujador: 90 (100) t (short tonne)

Aperture of feeding (long x wide x high): 7.500 x 2.000 x 1.600 (295 x 79 x 63) mm (inches)

Accionamiento: 3 x 110 (150) / 4 x 110 (150) kW / HP

Production: until 30 (33) / until 34 (37) T / h (short tonne)