Metso España, S.A. - Demolition crushers or pincers

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EtaCrush ZB

Crushers of shavings: for the processed of shavings of steel, aluminium, brass and other metals

Picture of Crushers of shavings
The trituradores of shavings carry tools of cut of big resistance and that turn freely instead of rigid blades that desafilan over time. Because of the high speed of the rotor, the shavings trituran and download through the rejillas of exit in the inferior part of the unit. It is possible to adjust the granulometry changing the size of the holes of the rejillas inferior. It treats of an essential action if it wishes convert later the shavings in briquetas.

Ideals for the processed of long shavings, curling and bulky of steel, aluminium, brass and other metals. They guarantee a high capacity of production with bulky pieces, in addition to the maximum efficiency.

The big mass of the rotor of disks ensures the generation of the high pair of necessary operation.

A filter dosificador avoids the beaks of current and endereza the tangles of shavings.

The thickest pieces that do not go out by the apertures of the grill, download by means of the door of expulsion of bulky pieces, that can open optionally by means of sensors. All this contributes to a large extent to diminish the wear and to avoid damages.

The mouths of feeding of big size, that can go planted well in the side or in the top, guarantee a feeding of material without problems.