Metso España, S.A. - Demolition crushers or pincers

Metso Minerals-Plantas Trituradoras EtaShred ZZ

Crushers of metals: for the triturado of appliances, trucks, etc

Picture of Crushers of metals
From the start of the process can configure easily the degree of fragmentation and the density of the final product wished, independently of the type of material.

The feeding does in quantities adjusted automatically and break in the edge of the yunque. The pieces of resultant fragmentation are the sufficiently small as to go out of the Zerdirator through the openings situated so much in the inferior grill as in the upper. The bulky pieces that can not be fragmentadas go out through the door of expulsion without need to interrupt the process of production.

The team, employing the most advanced technology, is able to process easily devices of white line, appliances, classified light scrap (except material no fragmentable), vehicles for scrapping pre-cut and complete vehicles, transforming them in scrap fragmentada, clean and dense.

It is instrumented with upper grill and inferior grill.

Available different models with several capacities of production.