Diez Alonso y Cía, S.L. (Marini) - Other paving equipment

Rincheval Eurosprayer

Cisterna Of irrigation: with capacity adapted to the capacity portante of the vehicle bearer and to the configuration of the team

Picture of Cisterna Of irrigation
Diez Alonso and Cia., S.L., it commercialises the cisterna cylindrical type Erosprayer with capacity adapted to the capacity portante of the vehicle bearer and to the configuration of the team. It is instrumented with flat bottoms, mouth of man atornillada of 440 mm and mouth of load of 200 mm with ladders of access, indicator of level type float, thermometer of 0 - 200 °C, put in the open air with hygiene of accionamiento manual, casting of the cisterna by gravity and rompeolas to limit the movement of the product during the transports (in sufficient number).

The isolation is of 80 mm of thickness, protected by sheet Duralilnox.

The cisterna has device of warming with tube of warming in "Or" in steel pulled without welding, burner Rincheval type "V" of pulverización, working with the air of the truck, without special compressesor, (option automatic burner), chimney of evacuation of the gases, electrical securities, tank of diesel of 70 litres without pressesure, pipes of air and fuel for the burner with flexible and manometer.

The rampa type “Varioscopic”, with a width of 5,00 m, is formed by 48 pulverizadores with tubes and tips in stainless with pneumatics commando, total width blackened 5,00 m (48 pulverizadores), opening individual commando and closing of the pulverizadores by pistones pneumatics of double effect. The rampa in two elements with 24 pulverizadores each one spaced each 100 mm,with integral circulation with flexible connections of feeding and return, is endowed of a trip trasversal continuous especially the width. The trip trasversal integral allows to the rampa displace to right or to left 1,25 m. It exists the possibility of setting of a rampa of additive equally telescopic, entirely protected by the rear platform.

The volumetric bomb for ligante, with maximum discharge 35 m3/h with by-pass of hygiene and integrated cheese cheese valves, is accionada by a hydraulics engine, and this is accionado by a hydraulics bomb joined up to the taking of strength of the truck.

It is instrumented with system of commando and regulation of the irrigation by microprocessor according to the norms CEM. The automatism of dosage calculates and corrects in all instant the speed of rotation of the bomb dosificadora in function of the speed of advance of the truck, the dosage programmed and of the number of pulverizadores selected. All the main functions can be controlled from the cabin, so much for the accionamiento of the rampa as for the dosage. In the screen of the computer can visualise permanently, the dosage programmed and the real, the temperature, the width of the rampa, the speed of the bomb of ligante and the speed of real trip of the truck, attracted by means of radar of híper frequency.

The team can endow of a group multi services for water with tub of 3.000 litres, internal protection of the compartimiento with painting epoxi, in prolongation of the tub of emulsion with double wall calorifugada, sheet of protection in Duralinox, bomb of casting with flexible hose, connection in the open air, supports to roll up the hose, and diesel with 2 tanks UTAC of 400 litres each one, communiqués and isolated by manual key, bomb of casting endowed of by-pass of hygiene with gun distributor and counter, connection in the open air and supports to roll up the hose.