ULMA Carretillas Elevadoras - Miscellaneous trucks

Hubtex Serie 2126

Carretilla elevadora Electrical: of lateral load multidireccional

Picture of Carretilla elevadora Electrical
The carts elevadoras of the series 2126 of Hubtex, that distributes Ulma Carts Elevadoras, are multidireccionales and are especially designed for the manipulation of lateral loads, between 3.000 and 4.500 kg.

It is a compact universal model that allows the easy manipulation of palettes and other materials of big lengths; 3, 6, 12, 14 m or upper.

These machines characterise by the chassis articulated realised in two pieces and tested in different applications, instrumented besides with two wheels of traction and two of double load to surpass any desnivel in the floor.

Other characteristics of these carts are the portahorquillas special that allow the manipulation of loads of until 12 m of length and 1.800 mm of width. His design and system of work allow to save a lot of space in warehouses, even by means of the use of systems of guides of road with a distance of hygiene of only 100 mm to each side. They go instrumented also with a brake regenerativo electronic free of maintenance thanks to the controllers Mosfet that ensure the maximum performance of the battery.

Besides, the handle of all the hydraulics functions, to the equal that the preselection of sense of course, realise by means of a “joystick” design Hubtex, that allows to execute quickly and of safe form all the movements without changing constantly the position of the hand.

Likewise, the topmasts of elevation are stable and solids, with hydraulics protection intern (without enrollador of hose) and with a big residual capacity until in the case of centres of gravity of big distance.

On the other hand, basing in the technology of alternating current, the 2126 has been instrumented with two motors of traction of current trifásica of high power more a hydraulics bomb (technology AC).