Sistemas de identificación y mecanismos, S.L. (SIMEC) - Vehicle identification systems

SecuScan FPS

Car monitoring: high security

Picture of Car monitoring
Using only a camera, SecuScan scans completely the car without stopping it. It works for any body and size of vehicle (car/truck) as well as at various speeds. The Netherlands are presented in real time on a high resolution screen image.

To automate the identification of vehicle and low can be integrated into system both a video camera and radio tags systems frequency long distance or license plate recognition.

A database stores all information concerning each registration number, the possibility of monitoring service to check online the current image with other pre-recorded being especially efficient.

Compared to the traditional methods of control of bass, as mirrors of hand, or cavities, innovative SecuScan technology represents a revolution in security technology: • fixed or Mobile Version of the system.

• Very robust scanner units, stainless steel.

• Rapid inspection for vehicles in motion.

• Compatible with all current systems latest software. Very simple to operate.

• High picture quality, with Zoom function up to 0.5 cm. • possibility to compare the current image of the vehicle with the pre-recorded.

• Documentation, archiving and evaluation of controlled vehicles.