Pöppelmann Ibérica, S.R.L.U. - Protective caps

Kapsto GPN 200

Caperuzas Protective: cylindrical capsules

Picture of Caperuzas Protective
The caperuzas protective GPN 200 of Kapsto, that commercialises Pöppelmann Iberian, S.R.L., they consist in available cylindrical capsules in two formats: To and B.

In the form To sound with collarín moleteado for the protection of threaded bolts, extremes of tubes and axles, etc. Realised in polietileno of natural colour, with the possibility to realise caperuzas resistant to the heat, etc.

The one of form B are cylindrical capsules with external wall moldeada for the connection of espigas in devices measurers of pressesure, according to DIN IN 837-1 and DIN IN 837-3. These are realised in polietileno of natural colour and, under request, can execute special realisations to the heat, etc.