Joskin, S.A. - Self loading trailers and accessories

Joskin Silo-Space 26/50

Box of ensilaje: with double hydraulics mobile floor

Picture of Box of ensilaje
A competitive market is a market, in which the offer adapts to the demand. Nowadays, the installations of biogás flower, some agricultural exploitations grow and the transport of the products goes back increasingly important. With these evolutions, the manufacturers of tow agricultural improve his offer increasing the capacities of transport of his vehicles, whereas it conserves the appearance of the hygiene. Joleather Has taken into account all these evolutions for his range of boxes of ensilaje, developing a model of 50 m³ DIN. This volume can also reach 60 m³ thanks to enhance them hydraulics (20 cm) and to the ‘hump of load'.

With the Telecover obtains besides the guarantee to take advantage of to the maximum the present volume without risk of loss of matter. The Silo-Space 26/50 allows to carry a bit more far the limits in matter of capacity of transport. The box possesses all the characteristics and intrinsic qualities to the range Silo-Space, that is to say the batiente frontal, the double mobile floor hydraulics, the hydraulics rear door, the fixation for enhance, etc. His triple chassis axis is instrumented with the train rodante Hidro-Tridem (system of glass comunicante between the axles) with double steeringal forced own to all the triple vehicles axis Joleather.