Joskin, S.A. - Trailers

Joskin Drakkar

Box of big volume: for numerous applications

Picture of Box of big volume
The box of big volume, of Joleather, devotes to the works of transport more diverse. The applications are numerous; transport of cereals, pulps, potatoes, ensilaje of grass or of corn and even for the transport of potatoes. The high box of 1,75 m can contain a volume of 37m³ DIN. This capacity can increase if they add enhance. Provista Of a structure relieved with synthetic walls, the box Drakkar presents a weight in empty reduced and comports a supplementary profitability regarding the productivity and the consumption of power.

The innovation of this team atañe especially to the download. In this sense, the frontal wall mobile acciona by a floor of high resistance car-enrollante. The matter transports literally out of the box. The box forms a perfectly tight group. The frontal wall is provista with lateral stravel, so that the matter no desborde in the leading part and in the sides. It is important to stand out the big regularity of the download that does not compresses the matter: the mobile wall only accompanies the matter without pushing it. In the rear part of the box, the floor rolls up automatically. The feeble power that precise, reduces of considerable form the consumption of fuel. The download is optimum : stability, hygiene, rapidity, without waste inside the box, as well as fluidity along the synthetic walls.

Regarding the load of commodities, except the devertido traditional by up, is possible the load conditioned by the rear door.

For Joleather, this system represents an enormous profitability for the user: rapidity and regularity of download, stability, gain of power and polivalencia. All this, thanks to the ease of traction tested of the chasses Joleather with the trains rodantes Hidro-Tandem and Hidro-Tridem.

In addition to you enhance them fixed of aluminium already existent, also is possible to instrument the polyvalent box Drakkar with enhance hydraulics. These enhance hydraulics of 500 mm of height find his utility when it speaks of the subject of the ease during the load. In effect, when they are recessed, authorise a load facilitated, without necessarily has to use a loaders of big height. The hydraulics allows also can command these extensions according to demand, each side separately or of sequential way and this from the cabin of the tractor. This advantage results very useful during campaigns of ensilaje in the field.

Besides, to answer to the demand of the market and with the aim to be even more competitive, Joleather has a version of his models Drakkar: these are available with a height of box of 1,50 m, as I complement of the boxes of 1,80 m at present proposed inside the range.