Clario Iberias P&D, S.L. -Varta- - Batteries

Varta Promotive Black

Batteries for vehicles: designed for vehicles with less complex energy demands

Picture of Batteries for vehicles
Old or vehicles with less power requirements, such as excavators, minibuses and small tractors, that need a good performance they can rely on. Thanks to its hybrid technology of proven effectiveness, the Promotive Black provides extraordinary reserves of energy. In normal working conditions, it does not require any kind of maintenance, which allows to significantly reduce the total costs.

Main advantages:-designed for vehicles with less complex energy demands.

-Standard technology for original equipment and its low consumption of water can reduce the total cost of ownership with the basic level.

-Meets the requirements of the standard in (EN 2 and resistance to vibrations. V1) - minimum self-discharge thanks to hybrid technology, offering a storage capacity of up to 12 months.