Clario Iberias P&D, S.L. -Varta- - Batteries

Varta Powersports AGM

Batteries for vehicles: it requires no maintenance, you don't need to fill it out

Picture of Batteries for vehicles
It is a product designed to cope with extreme conditions, so it always provides the maximum power without loss of performance. Its robust casing provides excellent resistance to vibration, even chopped sea or over rough terrain, and the battery does not require any maintenance.

Main advantages:-battery dry in version Freshpack (with acid container).

-No maintenance required, you don't need to fill it out.

-Meets the standard JLS.

-To test roll and spill at angles of up to 45 ° - has the AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) technology, which makes the battery can be charged and discharged again and again without affecting performance.