Transdiesel, S.L. - Spare parts for construction machinery


Axles for vehicles of public works: they present big robustness

Picture of Axles for vehicles of public works
The development in innovation with that explain the axles Hurth confer them some characteristics that allows them accommodate to the most miscellaneous and specific applications. The designs are realised with big meticulosidad, inside the range of axles of simple reduction, planetary, special or transaxles. This, together with his big robustness are the characteristics that have achieved that the axles Hurth are widely entered in the majority of applications of agricultural machinery, industrial, public works and minería.

Transdiesel, thanks to a fast and effective technical assistance, procures that the quality of this product remain always patent.

They use for different applications: equipment of minería, equipment of services aeroportuarios, rollers compactadores, carts, mini-dúmpers, agricultural tractors, sweepers, loaders shovels, telescopic manipulators, forestry machines, etc.