Trelleborg Wheel Systems España, S.A. (Mitas Tyres) - Tyres for agricultural machinery


Agricultural tyres: narrow construction, that allows to the cosechadoras circular by road without vehicle of accompaniment

Picture of Agricultural tyres
One of the a lot of profits of the tyre CHO is his narrow construction, that allows to the cosechadoras circular by road without vehicle of accompaniment, to the not exceeding the 3,5 metres of width. With this reduce the costs to the not having to pay vehicles of escort. The concept CHO answers like this to the tendency to instrument the cosechadoras modern with greater cabezales and tanks of grain bigger. The cosechadora can transport on the leading axis until 21,5 tonnes with so only 1,6 bar of pressesure of inflado when harvesting. The load can be increased without the consequent increase of the pressesure on the floor. This profit extends also to the harvest in conditions of difficult floor at the same time that allows to increase the time that the cosechadora can work in the field.