Trelleborg Wheel Systems España, S.A. - Tyres for agricultural machinery

Trelleborg TM1000 HP

Agricultural tyre for tractors: diameter of 2.300 millimetres and llanta of 26 inches

Picture of Agricultural tyre for tractors
Trelleborg Wheel Systems Will present the tyre TM1000 High Power. With a diameter of 2.300 millimetres and a llanta Trelleborg THK of 46 inches, able to increase the efficiency of the tractor and warn any slide of the tyre on the llanta.

The TM1000 HP is the biggest tyre never before manufactured. It is designed to satisfy the most demanding requirements of the generation of motors that instrument the most powerful tractors. The tyre has been subjected to a big number of proofs, in the most severe conditions of work, with the end to fulfil the most ambitious aims of performance so much in field as in road. In the field the tyre offers a capacity of traction between 5% and 8% elder that his competitors, with a footprint 5% elder to low pressesure of inflado, thanks to the technology of Trelleborg BlueTire. In road, the low resistance to the rodadura makes possible a saving in the consumption of fuel and a decrease of the broadcasts from among 4% and 6% in comparison with the average of the market. The development of the new TM1000 High Power has been promoted by two fundamental values, improve the productivity of the agriculture and the respect by the environingingment. The tyre is the ideal election to promote sustainable agricultural technologies, such as the production of renewable and sources of alternative power, as well as the agriculture of precision and technical advanced of recycling.